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Impact In Brief

October Edition
Your up-to-date source of lists, insight and advice for over 10 years.


Get your facts right

How accurate is your business data? At Impact Lists, we don't just supply lists. We can validate contacts, addresses and phone numbers to help you reach the right people. Plus, enhance data with valuable details including branch, head office, number of employees and industry classification.

Get on the IT list

Want to talk tech? Get the detail on IT decision makers from medium to large companies with the MarketBase IT business list. With 98% accuracy, MarketBase is the most accurate, trusted database service and will help you reach contacts from Applications Managers to Chief Information, Network and Systems Officers.

Engage with the pros

Want expert tips to better connect with customers? Hear from them first hand at ADMA Engage. Australia's only data-driven customer engagement event for marketers and advertisers happens in Sydney on 12 November, and Melbourne on 14 November. Don't miss the featured speakers from BBC Worldwide, IBM, Zappos, Virgin Australia and more.

That rounds out our October round up. Call me to discuss how Impact Lists can help you this month.

Amanda Tannahill

Call: 03 9044 0608

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