It's June and the EOFY is fast-looming.
Before it's head down with calculators and
spreadsheets, let us help you get even more out of this
financial year.

There's still time to contact financial decision makers with REACH DM, and if you do before 30 June, we'll waive the $250 set-up fee for any order over $500. Want to target Aussie's largest organisations in the $10 million+ revenue sector? Financial Decision Makers from the IncNet database could be money well-spent. Ka-ching!

It seems money makes the world go 'round for the Fat Prophets membership base. With a database consisting mostly of males with high disposable incomes, your business could be profiting too!

Time is money, so I'll wrap this up. You can reach managers and directors in the Financial Services Database and add to your own bottom line if you tell us how many there are in this month's competition. Just like Lisa Baruch did last time.

Give me a call and let's 'show you the money'.
Amanda Tannahill


Money-back guarantee
Got a purchasing decision to make? REACH DM will let you select by Company Size, Industry (ANZSIC Code) and location. What's more, there's an unmatched 98% deliverabilty rate. Plus, with a 60 day money-back guarantee for any inaccurate records, you can't go wrong.

Get your money's worth now



Up your financial game
The Finance Decision Makers list is sourced from the IncNet database, with over 20 industry codes and is monitored on a daily basis. You can search for your next targets to ensure you're spending your money wisely. What a great decision for your next campaign!

Start here now



Money talks
Fat Prophets website reaches people who live and breathe finance. Its member base are tertiary qualified who have incomes over $90k and are keen to talk everything money. With an incredible 700,000 impressions and over 85,000 visits per month, sending an e-campaign to them will make good business cents.

Make it count



Get your cash-flowing
You can talk to the people who know all about money, with the Financial Services Database. And make your own here too. Tell us how many records are on the database to win a $100 Visa Card. You can email us here. For terms and conditions click here.

Could be money in the bank


ADMA and social media
Social networking is not just about sharing photos and status updates. It can also help you deliver great business results. Attend ADMA's Integrated Social & Social Email Marketing seminar to increase engagement, CTR and ROI.

Get more for your money



B2B? B2C? Do it before this EOFY.
Call me on 1300 554 671 or email me at


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